Therapeutic Massage for Generalised Anxiety Disorder

Research shows according to Kecskes, A,A.(2018) generalised anxiety disorder sufferers are often overly concerned about health issues, money, family, or difficulties at work. They can also have negative and fearful thoughts about the future or suffer excessive guilt about certain past issues, these concerns can last for months and are often groundless. Physical symptoms associated with (GAD) often include muscle tension/aches, fatigue, headaches, difficulty swallowing, twitching, irritability, sweating, nausea, light headed, frequent urination, hot flashes and shortness of breath.
Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD) affects about 6.8 million American adults. It affects twice as many women as men and its onset occurs gradually, beginning typically between childhood and middle age. A Surgeon General's report on Mental Health revealed that 16% of adults between the ages of 18 and 54 suffer from various anxiety disorders for at least one year.
One way to reduce the symptoms of (GAD) is through massage therapy. Various forms of therapeutic superficial tissue manipulation have been practised for thousands of years to treat anxieties of various sorts. Therapeutic massage can be helpful in reducing anxiety and stress. Massage was shown to promote relaxation and alleviate pain and anxiety in hospitalised cancer patients.Massage therapy can act to cleanse the body of impurities. It can, for example, help break down built up toxins or waste in muscles, and often has a calming effect on anxious patients. A good massage performed by a trained professional can help you relax and soothe the aches and pains in various parts of your body.While receiving a massage, one should avoid talking or dwelling on family, work or money matters. Instead, it's best to relax and clear the mind. Keep in mind that it takes time for massage therapy to begin working. This means that persistent pains and tensions will require several sessions, so don't expect immediate results.
There are several different types of massage available today. There's Deep Tissue massage, which reaches deep into the sub-layer of musculature and fascia. Another popular technique is Swedish massage, which is a vigorous treatment designed to energise the body by stimulating circulation. It uses five basic strokes--kneading, rolling, vibration, percussive and tapping--to manipulate the body's soft tissues. Chinese self-massage techniques can also help relax your body, ease tension and reduce anxiety. These self-massage methods seek to restore balance and harmony of the body's various parts.They stimulate the flow of chi by kneading, rubbing, slapping, pinching or gently pounding the surface of the body.
When suffering from generalised anxiety disorder, first consult your General Practitioner before attempting massage therapy. The may recommend the appropriate anti-anxiety treatment that is best suited for each individual case. In addition to massage therapy, the doctor may suggest certain anti-anxiety medications, psychotherapy or counselling, or even herbal remedies.
Therapeutic Massage for Generalised Anxiety Disorder, Kecskes,A,A. (2014) cited in accessed(24.06.18)
Therapeutic Massage for Generalised Anxiety Disorder, cited in NHS(2018) cited in accessed (24.06.18)